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This is the last in the series in helping you get started with your Automated Direct Mail campaigns and make the most of ZAP~POST.

The previous 3 sessions are linked to this post but to summarise, we’ve covered:

  1. How to Create a Campaign
  2. How to Design your Zap
  3. How to Publish your Zap

This fourth and final post guides you through connecting the right recipient data to the right campaigns:

The guiding principle is that before you upload any recipient data, your campaign should be published. If a campaign is ‘Active’, it will have published content and every recipient who is submitted to that campaign will receive the published artwork for that campaign at that time.

Remember, this is Automated Direct Mail - it’s a live and active campaign.

There are three ways to submit recipient data to a ZAP~POST campaign:

  1. via API - for those with developers - please check our API docs linked above.
  2. via Stack.Connect - the platform for integrating with the e-Commerce ecosystem - there’s a separate lesson on this.
  3. via CSV upload - which is what I’m demonstrating in this session.

ZAP~POST aims to generate the highest possible return on your spend so you can be safe in the knowledge the app won’t let any data in that doesn’t look good but we strongly recommend testing your data set first.

If you have not already done so, the best place to start is by downloading a CSV template. This will show you which fields are mandatory, and which are optional. If you are running multiple campaigns, please note that a CSV template is unique to a campaign - no two campaigns are the same!

Once downloaded, populate the CSV file with the campaign-specific Recipient data. I recommend starting with just a few records - say up to 50. 

Now head over to the proofing tool to test your campaign creative and its associated recipient data.

As with the publishing process, select your design for the front of your zap, then the back. On the next screen, select ‘Use your Own data’ and hit the upload icon.  During upload, the app will validate your data and detail any errors. Fix any errors in your CSV and re-try the upload until you’re happy.

If you’re error-free, that’s great, you can finish creating a proof to check all the personalisation and imagery is showing up exactly as you want it.  Once you are happy with the content in your design and you’re ready to get zapping.

Head back to the Campaign page where you’ll have a list of campaigns. Remember, to have an active campaign, you need to have published content and have set up your account for billing.

Now all you need to do is upload Recipient data.

Top tip:  Only submit the recipient records once you are happy with the content of your published campaign.  Recipients are locked to the active published content for the campaign at the time of the submission to ensure your recipients are getting the right content at the right time.

Once your recipient data is validated and in the ZAP~POST app,  it then goes through two more validation processes - please check the lesson on Data and Data sources, for more information.

Summarising this session:

  • Download the CSV template from the Campaigns page.
  • Populate with data and navigate to the Proofing tool in the Design tool.
  • Select your Designs and choose ‘Use your own data’ from the next screen.
  • Once you’re happy with the design and the personalisation, head back to the Campaign page to upload the recipient data.

That’s it - your campaign is good to go and active.  The ZAP team are on hand for any questions, via chat, email and phone - feel free to get in touch.


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