⚡ Reasons to Zap: 1) Over 10% conversion rate 2) >1,000% ROAS 3) >20% increase in response when compared to email. See Impact Stories
~How far should you tailor your campaign for offline audiences?
How personalised should you go? Here's how far you should tailor your campaign for offline audiences
Just how much personalisation should you be adding into your campaign for offline audiences and... how? Grace shares some ways you can treat each entry in your data set like the unique individual they are.

Just how much personalisation should you be adding into your campaign for offline audiences and... how? Grace shares some ways you can treat each entry in your data set like the unique individual they are.
You’ve just blown £3,872 on a new sofa and you receive the EXACT same communications as the next chap who used a voucher to get 25% off his £8 candle… Ouch.
When we’re talking about personalising a marketing campaign, it’s too easy to slap a customer’s first name on it and swiftly tick that task off the to-do list. With so many golden nuggets of information about each individual customer (quite literally!) at your fingertips, why not make the data do the hard work for you? If you couldn’t tell, I feel really passionately about positive, long-lasting customer experiences; stand-out personalisation can play a huge part in nailing it and setting your business apart from the competition.
It’s safe to say personalisation opportunities take many forms and, believe me, all of those options are worlds apart from just slotting a [First Name] variable in and hitting ‘send’ on a bulk campaign. Perhaps I am slightly biased, seeing first-hand just how simple it is to seamlessly integrate Shopify or Klaviyo with a direct mail automation platform. I can always foresee the simplest ways my clients might add an extra wallop to their campaigns.
Of course, the easiest way to tailor your marketing for a returning customer is to utilise the previous shopping data you have on file - pull through insights on all of their historical spending habits, allowing you to segment big spenders from those who perhaps prefer ‘little & often’ transactions. Your marketing should complement their habits, not overcomplicate their psychological decisions. Show you know what your customer wants, before they’ve even realised it themself. Segmenting based on spending habits (determining via AOV or most-shopped category) and identifying discount shoppers vs. VIPs will help boost your treatment of data as individuals. Determine how much loyalty is felt for your brand, based on their frequency of repeat purchases and be one step ahead by understanding the geographical info you have on hand - this can be especially useful if they’re in close proximity to a bricks-and-mortar store or upcoming event.
So, that’s all well and good for taking care of repeat customers, but what about the lucky people only just discovering your fantastic services and dazzling array of products? Well, take whatever info you know about them and work with it. Take my example of the £3,872 sofa purchase - the true sucker punch of that story is you’d likely get an email the very next day, showcasing 4 more pesky sofas you might like. Let ‘personalisation’ for your marketing also refer to the timeliness of your campaign - with educated reasoning, you can assume it’s wise to not suggest similar items within the same category purchased for a window of time.
Whatever you do, try and avoid that ‘spray and pray’ mentality - armed with all the insights you could wish for, it’s time to make your campaigns work harder and speak to your customers like the individuals they are.
We’ll be at the marketingSHOWCASE events and would love to crack exactly how we can make your next campaign work harder for your business. Come find us at London, Leeds, Bristol, Birmingham or Manchester. Alternatively, you can book a 1:1 demo whenever suits you best - get started today!
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