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QR Codes link your physical media to your digital world.

So versatile, and useful, to both you and your Customer.

A QR code (Quick Response Code) embeds data.  Up to 7,089 characters to be precise.  Which translates to about 4Kb of data (for those who are mildly interested!)

Uses include:

  • Simple text; 
  • Compose an email, with pre-populated fields;
  • Make a call using a phone number;
  • A .VCF file (contact card); triggering an augmented reality (AR) experience;
  • ign up to a subscription; pay for a product or service and many, many more.

Ultimately, in a Zap, their most common use is a URL - a landing page to direct your recipient to.   A code can be either Static or Dynamic.  Happily, in the ZAP~POST designer, both are easy to implement, with no code or specialist knowledge required.  There’s a ZAP~POST designer video here.

Static QR Codes

Static codes are just that. Static.  Nothing terribly clever.  The URL embedded in the code will direct all your recipients to exactly the same page or experience.  A code can direct a user to a deep link on your website like: www.zappost.com/product/new-launch.  Importantly you can add tracking to these links too.  https://yourbrand.com/product/new-launch?utm_source=ZAP&utm_medium=New-Customer-ZAP-Campaign&utm_campaign=New-Launch&utm_id=New-Launch

This extended URL will direct the recipient to the URL and record that visit in your Analytics platform of choice (in this example, Google Analytics).


Learn more about Tracking results

Dynamic QR Codes

Dynamic codes get even more interesting and serve the purpose of personalising an experience for each individual. 

Use any element of data (Customer data, Product data, Order data) to build a complex dynamic QR code, which triggers a personalised experience for your recipient.


In the ZAP~POST App, you have four QR Code options - covering the main two here:

Standard QR Codes


Tracked QR Codes

This is the more complex option - enabling BOTH the ability to personalise every QR code with dynamic URLs, AND apply analytics tracking.  The fields in the image below may each be populated by a variable in the inbound data, or it can be static as required.


Building QR Codes: in action

Finally, you can check the validity of your QR code on the fly, by scanning the code as you build it.  See the video below.



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