
New Pricing lands 25th March 2025


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'Return to Sender'
'Unknown a this address'
'Gone Away'
'Remove me from this mailing list'

These are all a fact of life in the world of Direct Mail.
No matter how clean your data is, how much data cleansing and address verification ZAP~POST does, Returns are all but guaranteed.  Minimal as they may be, every campaign will have some returns and it's essential that you update your own records to reflect what has been returnd.

Why update records?

  • Waste print is good for nobody, or our environment.
  • Need to treat 'unsubscribes' exactly like email unsubscribe requests
  • Save money by not re-sending to addressees known to have moved away, for moved on.

Every Zap is unique.  That applies as much to its content, it's recipient, and the clever little returns QR code which sits in an inconspicuous place on the reverse of the Zap.  Every day, Zap returns are scanned and automatically updated in your Zap account. 

What next?

Login to the Zap App and download the latest records, at least once a week. Update your original data source's Customer record with a status that reflects that the address on record is no longer current.  You may also do this via API, and you can automate this process via your Integration.  Get support on this.

Anything else?

Yes!  ZAP~POST checks every address with the Post Office. In that process, we remove unrecognisable addresses and importantly, we change addresses to match the official version held on the PAF (Postcode Address File).  Whilst not essential, we strongly advise you to update your changed addresses - again, these are all downloadable and retrievable, just like Returns.


ZAP~POST's aim is to ensure the highest possible return on each Campaign which is why your data is cleaned and verified before sending.  These processes reduce returns to the bare minimum whilst reducing your costs and minimising waste.



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